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July 30, 2002

Our very own Space Duck, Astro, has a keen observation about the MC and how 343 GS sees him.

Astro the Space Duck ( writes:

I am semi-perplexed by 343's comment about 'the *other* species', due to the fact that the Covenant isn't a species, whereas the humans are. But then humans aren't 'other', as opposed to the Master Chief, since he's basically human. This leads me to believe that 343 was thinking of Master Chief as being either too cyborgish (is that a word?) to be considered human, or of another race entirely, ie Forerunner. But then if he's Forerunner, 'other' is quite imprecise, as there are several other species on Halo. Quite intriguing.

...I think this would be a good time to point something out. Many people have used 343's apparent view that MC is Forerunner as evidence that Humans are Forerunner. Although I do not necessarily disagree with that end conclusion, I believe that specific evidence is entirely inaccurate. "Since 343 thinks MC is Forerunner, that must mean Forerunner=Humans." or at least that's what many people have said. Quite no. MC isn't human, he's a cyborg. This, to me, points to Forerunners being a race of cyborgs, or machines, or AIs, etc. Basically, Forerunners would be a race that is at least mechanical in nature, rather than organic.

It's been observed that 343 might be judging us based on our outward appearance, but that's not the only "mechanical" aspect to the MC. There's always that ceramic-enhanced skeletal structure, and the superconducting neural enhancements, and...


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