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< Cairo Station
: Home Field Advantage
: Priority Shift
: Authorized Personnel Only
: Return To Sender
LEVEL 03: "Cairo Station" CHAPTER 01: "Cairo Station" CINEMATIC Sgt. Johnson and the Chief step from the tram into the crowd of Marines. Small robot cameras hover on fans, darting around the room to get an angle. MASTER CHIEF: You told me there wouldn't be any cameras. SGT. JOHNSON: And you told me you were gonna wear something nice! Folks need heroes, Chief. Johnson takes off his hat, smooths his hair. SGT. JOHNSON: So, smile, would ya? While we've still got something to smile about. They step through a door labelled “Bridge,” a pair of dress uniformed guards saluting them, and vanish into the light bloom. CUT TO High Charity The Brutes lead the Elite Commander through a crowd of jeering Grunts, Jackals, and Hunters. GRUNT CROWD (in unison): Heretic! Heretic! Heretic! The Brutes stop at a dias in front of a huge dropoff, and below we can see crowds of thousands gathered to watch. The Brutes strap the Elite Commander's arms into a pair of floating restraints. TARTARUS: You've drawn quite a crowd! ELITE COMMANDER: If they came to hear me beg, they will be disappointed. TARTARUS: Are you sure? Orange energy beams shoot out from the wall, meeting the floating restraints. The Elite Commander fights back a cry of pain. CUT TO Cairo Sgt. Johnson and the Master Chief arrive on the Cairo's bridge, greeted by dozens of cheering Naval officers and crew members. They approach a raised platform, walking up a flight of steps to the sound of clapping hands. They stand in front of Lord Hood, snap to attention, and salute. LORD HOOD: Gentlemen, we're lucky to have you back. One of Lord Hood's officers whispers something in his ear. LORD HOOD: Go ahead, Cortana. CORTANA: Another whisper, Sir, near Io. We have probes en route. LORD HOOD: I apologize, but we're going to have to make this quick. CORTANA: You look nice. MASTER CHIEF: Thanks. SGT. JOHNSON (simultaneous): Thank you. LORD HOOD: Sergeant Major, the Colonial Cross is awarded for acts of singular daring and devotion, for a soldier of the United Earth Space Corps… CUT TO High Charity BRUTE CS2: There can be no greater heresy! Let him be an example for all who would break our Covenant! The crowd howls, and the Brute guards remove the Elite Commander's chest armor. CUT TO Cairo A young woman steps up, turns, snaps to attention. LORD HOOD: Commander Miranda Keyes. Your father's actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of military service. His bravery in the face of impossible odds reflects great credit, upon himself, and the UNSC. The Navy has lost one of its best. Miranda takes the proferred medal in her hand. CUT TO High Charity A golden Elite helmet falls to the floor. The Elite Commander, stripped naked, hangs against the restraints. From below, a large, cruel-looking brand emerges, and Tartarus, the Chieftan of the Brutes, take it in hand. It lights, casting his face in an orange glow. He approaches the Elite Commander and pushes the brand viciously against his chest. For a moment, the Commander fights the pain, but then gives in and lets out a low howl. CUT TO Cairo Klaxons begin to blare. CORTANA: Slipspace ruptures, directly off our battle cluster. LORD HOOD: Show me. The display flickers, showing approach trajectories for a group of Covenant starships. CORTANA: Fifteen Covenant capital ships, holding position just outside the killzone. FLEET ADMIRAL HARPER (radio): This is Fleet Admiral Harper. We are engaging the enemy. LORD HOOD: Negative, Admiral. Form a defensive perimeter around the cluster. (To Commander Miranda Keyes) Commander, get to your ship, link up with the fleet. MIRANDA KEYES: Yes, Sir. LORD HOOD: You have the MAC gun, Cortana. As soon as they come in range, open up. CORTANA: Gladly. LORD HOOD (studying the display): Something's not right. The fleet that destroyed Reach was fifty times this size. SENSORMAN: Sir, additional contacts! Boarding craft, and lots of ‘em! LORD HOOD: They're going to try to take our MAC guns offline, give their capital ships a straight shot at Earth. Master Chief…defend this station. MASTER CHIEF: Yes, Sir. (To Sgt. Johnson) I need a weapon. SGT. JOHNSON: Right this way. Johnson and the Chief leave the bridge, as Lord Hood turns back to his command station. Through the bay windows looking up to the MAC cannon, we see the fleet turn to engage the Covenant attackers, Longsword fighters hurtling overhead trailed by a pair of huge cruisers. END CINEMATIC (The Chief grabs weapons and meets up with the defending Marines) CAIRO DEFENSE COORDINATOR (loudspeakers): Alert. Boarders inbound. SGT. JOHNSON (radio): How's it going, Malta? MALTA DEFENSE COORDINATOR (radio): Stand by…they're latched! Check your targets, watch the crossfire. They're in standard formation, little bastards up front, big ones in back. Good luck, Cairo. SGT. JOHNSON: Field of fire on that bulkhead. Soon as that door opens…let ‘em have it! CHAPTER 02: "Home Field Advantage" CAIRO DEFENSE COORDINATOR (loudspeakers): This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill. (Later) CAIRO DEFENSE COORDINATOR (loudspeakers): Boarders in Habitat Alpha. (Later) CAIRO DEFENSE COORDINATOR (loudspeakers): Brace for impact! (Later) CAIRO DEFENSE COORDINATOR (loudspeakers): I need a squad in Habitat Alpha, ASAP! (Later) CAIRO DEFENSE COORDINATOR (loudspeakers): We've got boarders in the portside bays. (Once you finish a fight near a set of bay windows) MARINE CS2: Hey, check it out! The Malta's already driven off its boarders. CORTANA (radio): Malta, what is your status? MALTA DEFENSE COORDINATOR (radio): I don't believe it! They're retreating, we won! (The Malta detonates in a huge plume of fire, the MAC gun breaking loose and tumbling away) MARINE CS2: This is bad, real bad! CAIRO DEFENSE COORDINATOR (loudspeakers): Alert! Hostiles have secured the port bulkheads. (Later) CAIRO DEFENSE COORDINATOR (loudspeakers): Security station 4 is under attack. (Another set of launch bay windows) MARINE CS2: Uh oh! Hey, they're leaving the Athens… (The Athens detonates and spins apart, just like the Malta) LORD HOOD (radio): Cortana, assessment! CORTANA (radio): That explosion came from inside the Athens. Same as the Malta. The Covenant must have brought something with them. A bomb. LORD HOOD (radio): Then they sure as hell brought one here. Chief…find it. CHAPTER 03: "Priority Shift" (Later) CAIRO DEFENSE COORDINATOR (loudspeakers): All non-combat personnel to pressure zones. (As you return to the armory, to find Mst. Sgt. Gunns fighting a pair of Elites) MST. SGT. GUNNS: Get the hell out of my armory, split- (Gunns is hit and dies) CAIRO DEFENSE COORDINATOR (loudspeakers): Fireteams to Habitat Delta. (Later) CAIRO DEFENSE COORDINATOR (loudspeakers): Hang on, everyone! (Later) CAIRO DEFENSE COORDINATOR (loudspeakers): Hostiles have taken security station 1! (Later) CAIRO DEFENSE COORDINATOR (loudspeakers): I need a squad in Habitat Delta! (When you meet up with Sgt. Johnson and Cmdr. Keyes engaged in a firefight outside the gangway to Keyes' ship) SGT. JOHNSON: Come on, Chief, this way! MIRANDA: I was almost onboard when they showed up. SGT. JOHNSON: Don't worry Ma'am, we're on it. (Once you've cleared the area) MIRANDA: Thanks, Chief. I owe you one. SGT. JOHNSON: Get going. I'll cover the Commander. CAIRO DEFENSE COORDINATOR (loudspeakers): Fireteams to terminal 2. (When you step into the airlock leading outside) CHAPTER 04: "Authorized Personnel Only" (During the fight outside) CORTANA (radio): Sir, boarders have breached the fire control center. They have a bomb. LORD HOOD (radio): Can you defuse it? CORTANA (radio): Yes, but I'll need the Chief's help to make contact with the detonator. LORD HOOD (radio): Chief, get to the bomb, double time! Cortana, prioritize targets and fire at will. NAVAL COMMANDER (radio) [Longsword commander?]: First echelon, you're with me, blanket those cruisers, take ‘em out one by one. Second echelon, keep those carriers busy. CORTANA (radio): Registering all hostile vessels inside the kill zone. Thirteen cruisers, two assault carriers. I'm going loud! (The huge MAC cannon visible through the bay windows engages, the massive rail slide assembly lifting to the cannon's tip and then slamming back down as a shell bursts from the cannon and goes hurtling up to meet the Covenant fleet. Through the window we can see the rest of the fleet engaging, cruisers and frigates lifting from orbit and firing as they advance) CAIRO DEFENSE COORDINATOR (loudspeakers): All hands, to pressure zones! (Later) CAIRO DEFENSE COORDINATOR (loudspeakers): All non-combat personnel report to evacuation stations! (As you ride the elevator platform down to the airlock) CORTANA (radio): Not a lot of time on the clock, Chief! FLEET ADMIRAL HARPER (radio): The carriers are breaking through, Sir! They're heading straight for the Cairo! LORD HOOD (radio): Cortana! Concentrate your fire on the first carrier. Admiral, do what you can against the second! FLEET ADMIRAL HARPER (radio): Everyone, form up, follow my lead! (Watching through the window as the lift descends, you can see a massive Covenant assault carrier accelerate right past the Cairo) CORTANA (radio): The first carrier completely ignored us, Sir! Blew through the Malta's debris field and headed straight for Earth! (After crossing the MAC gun's recoil arm in vacuum, and moving back into the airlock) CHAPTER 05: "Return to Sender" CORTANA (radio): Just so you know, there are quite a few Elites guarding the bomb. You may need to get creative. (Once you clear the room) CINEMATIC Cortana appears on a pedestal near the bomb. CORTANA: Me. Inside your head. Now. The Chief touches the pedestal, and Cortana downloads directly into his armor. He steps over to the bomb, and touches the flashing red activation pad at its center. It blinks and shuts off. MASTER CHIEF: How much time was left? CORTANA: You don't want to know. MIRANDA (radio): Cairo, this is In Amber Clad. CUT TO the bridge of In Amber Clad. It's small, with room only for the Captain's chair and two forward seats for the helm and weapons officers. MIRANDA: The carrier's shield is down. I'm in position and ready for immediate assault. CUT TO Cairo's bridge. Lord Hood is alone. LORD HOOD: Negative, Commander. Not against a ship that size. Not on your own. MASTER CHIEF (radio): Sir. CUT TO the bay, where the Chief is resting one hand on the bomb. MASTER CHIEF: Permission to leave the station? CUT BACK TO Cairo's bridge. LORD HOOD: For what purpose, Master Chief? MASTER CHIEF (radio): To give the Covenant back their bomb. LORD HOOD: Permission granted. In the bay, the Master Chief grabs the bomb and hauls it across the floor, leaving a trail of sparks. He drags it into the elevator, and descends. CORTANA: I know what you're thinking, and it's crazy. MASTER CHIEF: So…stay here? CORTANA: Unfortunately for us both…I like crazy. The elevator reaches a Longsword launch bay, and the Chief steps out, watching through the huge bay door. The entire fleet streams down toward Earth, chasing the Covenant ships, and exchanges of fire flicker through space. The Chief steps up to the door's release handle, which drops down above him. CORTANA: Just one question. What if you miss? MASTER CHIEF: I won't. The Chief pulls down the handle and the bay doors cycle open, the bay decompressing rapidly. Debris lifts off the floor and hurtles into space, and the bomb slowly begins to slide toward the doors. The Chief grabs hold of it as it passes, and is pulled out into space. In free-fall, the Chief descends towards northern Africa, heading for Egypt. The second Covenant assault carrier passes below his position, and opens up with a huge pulse laser, narrowly missing him. A human cruiser rockets below him, takes a pulse laser burst right through its spine, and explodes. The Chief plummets past it, watches as its engines fail and try to relight themselves. A pair of Longsword fighters dives past him, no doubt vectored in by Cortana, and make a strafing run on the Covenant carrier. Their bombs make a stacatto beat of fire along the back of the carrier, and the Chief slips through the narrow gap the blasts have created into- The carrier's center is a huge, open chamber, a massive fusion core casting white light across its inner surface. The carrier has taken a lot of abuse; the far side of the chamber is torn apart, revealing Earth outside. The Chief crawls up the bomb, presses its activation panel, and spins around. His legs flex, and he vaults off the bomb, aiming for the split in the carrier's armor. He plummets from the carrier, straight for Earth, as behind him minor blue explosions flicker up and down the Covenant ship. A pause, and the entire ship detonates in a huge plasma conflagration. The Chief falls towards Africa, and a human frigate passes beneath him, matching trajectories. Inside In Amber Clad's bridge, Sgt. Johnson and Cmdr. Keyes watch a tactical display. A thud resounds through the ship; the Chief has hit his mark. SGT. JOHNSON: For a brick…he flew pretty good! MIRANDA: Chief…get inside, gear up. We're taking this fight to the surface. In Amber Clad banks hard and dives towards the Earth's atmosphere, and a massive, gray city along the East African coast comes into view. END CINEMATIC |
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