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< Objects In The
Mirror May Be Larger Then They Appear
: Healthy
: Shooting Gallery
: That Old,
Familiar Feeling
LEVEL 11: "Quarantine Zone" CINEMATIC The cinematic starts with a partially overhead view of a Phantom dropping off several Elites and Spec Ops Leader as the snow gently falls around them. The Arbiter, wielding a Carbine, walks towards Spec Ops Leader. ARBITER: At the center of this zone is the Sacred Icon critical for the Great Journey. I must find it. SPEC OPS: We shall cut into the heart of this infestation, retrieve the Icon, and burn any Flood that stand in our way. Several Elites roar in both pure anticipation and (what is no doubt) formal response. The Spec Ops Leader looks back at the Arbiter. SPEC OPS: The parasite is not to be trifled with. I hope you know what you're doing. Spec Ops walks off, and the Arbiter looks at the ancient Forerunner door, one of the first of many leading to the Sacred Icon... END CINEMATIC Chapter 01: Objects In The Mirror May Be Larger Then They Appear SPEC OPS (On radio): Forward warriors! And fear not pain nor death! Go Arbiter, I'll follow when reinforcements arrive! ELITE: An Enforcer! To the vehicles! We'll need their heavy guns! Onward to the Sacred Icon! After going through the door, you come across several Flood-controlled vehicles. ELITE 2: What?! The parasite controls our vehicles?! No matter; they will die all the same. After you reach the Warthog, Tank, and several Marine corpses: ELITE: Leader! We have found the bodies of several Humans! (or "a Human vehicle"; clarification?) SPEC OPS: (On radio): Keep moving, I'm on my way. Chapter 02: Healthy Competition A Pelican holding a Scorpion flies over while a battle between Sentinels and and Flood rages in the courtyard and the valley ahead. SPEC OPS: I'm sending you a squad of my most experienced warriors, Arbiter. Do not squander their talents. When the player clear the tunnels, a Phantom carrying the Spec Ops Leader and another Elite drops them off in a Spectre. After getting into the Spectre: SPEC OPS: We shall not fail! When you reach the gondolas, a cinematic begins. CINEMATIC: The camera zooms to the Arbiter and Spec Ops on the platform. They spot another gondola, already departed and moving ahead. SPEC OPS: More humans! ARBITER: They must be on their way to the Icon. The Arbiter and Spec Ops Leader turn as they hear Flood shrieks in the distance... The Spec Ops Leader turns in the direction of the screams and ignites his sword. SPEC OPS: On your way Arbiter; I'll deal with these beasts! The Arbiter turns to activate the gondola as Spec Ops moves to engage any pursuing Flood. The Arbiter activates the gondola. Off all things, it moves. Tartarus' Phantom flies in behind the gondola, and the Arbiter glances back for a moment. TARTARUS: I see that coward didn't join you. I'll do what I can to keep the Flood off your back. END CINEMATIC Chapter 03: Shooting Gallery TARTARUS: We must not let the humans get the Icon. The Hierarchs do not take kindly to failure... As the gondola approaches a large ledge where a grouping of Flood wait ELITE: Look! Up ahead! The parasite gathers for an attack! TARTARUS (on radio): I'll break their ranks! ELITE 1: What courage! Nice and safe in his Phantom! ELITE 2: Ignore the braggart! Ready yourselves! After the second wave of Flood is defeated: TARTARUS: Humans! I'll deal with them. ELITE: (commenting on Tartarus flying the Phantom about) Fool! He'll alert the humans to our presence! ELITE 2: Perhaps he'll slow them down... Or (clarification?) ELITE 2: Look on the bright side; maybe they'll shoot him down! After the gondola rises for a while: ELITE: Behold! The Library of our Lords! When the gondola reaches the library: TARTARUS: We are running out of time Arbiter! After them! I'll watch the perimeter! Chapter 04: The Old, Farmiliar Feeling To gondola stops at its destination: ELITE 1: We will protect this vessel. It may be our only means of escape. ELITE 2: Retrieve the Icon, Arbiter! For the Covenant and the Journey! TARTARUS: Go Arbiter! GET THE ICON! The Arbiter wanders through a ravaged, and ultimately lifeless area (save for a few Infection forms); the remains of a battle. When he reaches the door to the central area a cinematic begins. CINEMATIC: Miranda Keyes walks past the wreckage of several Sentinel Enforcers. She spots the Index in its protective sheath, and uses a hanging Flood tentacle (which look strangely like Gravemind's, or some as of yet unseen Flood form) to lean out over the pit. It finishes its "routines" (as though for her) and she plucks it from its casing. MIRANDA: Gotcha! The tentacle slips - but Johnson grabs it just in time. JOHNSON: (grunting) You know, your father never asked me for help either! Miranda hooks the Index in her belt loop. MIRANDA: The Index is secure. Johnson turns around, towards the entrance to the room. JOHNSON: McKenzie! Perez! How's our exit? You hear me Marines? Silence. JOHNSON: We've got trouble. Johnson readies his Battle Rifle, while Miranda gets out her two SMGs. Johnson scans the room with his Battle Rifle, and suddenly, the telltale ripples of the Arbiter's active-camouflage flit from behind a piece of wreckage. Johnson opens fire, and knocks out the Arbiter's camouflage generator, but the Arbiter clutches Johnson by the shoulders, disarming him. JOHNSON: How you doin'? The Arbiter gives Johnson the "Glasgow Kiss" and incapacitates him. Miranda takes aim at the Arbiter with her SMGs. MIRANDA: Sergeant! Stay down! She unleashes on the Arbiter with her SMGs (a confident move, considering Johnson's position and that shooting even one SMG is akin to wrestling a greased pig). The Arbiter ducks for cover. MIRANDA: Johnson? Johnson! The Arbiter leaps from behind some more rubble and smacks the SMGs from Miranda's hands. Suddenly, a wave of electricity engulfs her and she flies into Tartarus' hands. TARTARUS: Excellent work Arbiter. The Hierarchs will be pleased. ARBITER: The Icon... is MY responsibility. TARTARUS: WAS your responsibility. Tartarus takes the Index from Miranda's belt. TARTARUS: Now it is mine... Three Brutes walk towards the Arbiter. One retrieves Johnson, while the other two level their Brute Shots at the Arbiter. Tartarus places Miranda on the shoulder of the Brute dragging Johnson across the floor. TARTARUS: A bloody fate awaits you and the rest of your incompetent race... and I, Tartarus!, Chieftain of the Brutes, will send you to it. Tartarus levels his weapon, The Fist of Rukt, at the Arbiter. ARBITER: When the Prophets learn of this, they will take your head! Tartarus: Learn of it? (laughs) Fool, the ordered me to do it. With that, Tartarus fires his weapon at the Arbiter, dashing him into the abyss... END CINEMATIC |
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