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![]() LEVEL 15: "The Great Journey" CHAPTER 01: "The Great Journey" CINEMATIC The scene opens with the Arbiter and Spec-Ops Leader in the foreground, both of them standing on a low cliff near a beach. The Spec-Ops Leader is halfway out of the cockpit of his Wraith; the Arbiter is standing on the ground. In the background the Delta Halo control room can be seen a short ways out from the shore, built to appear as if it is growing out of a small island. ARBITER (referring to the control room): What is that place? SPEC-OPS LEADER: Where the Councilors were meant to watch the consecration of the Icon - the start of the Great Journey. The camera cuts to a close up of the Leader as he talks, then cuts to the Arbiter after the Leader finishes. The Arbiter remembers the Gravemind's words from their earlier encounter. GRAVEMIND: There is still time to stop the key from turning. ARBITER: I must get inside. SPEC-OPS LEADER: Then mount-up, Arbiter. I know a way to break those doors. END CINEMATIC CHAPTER 02: "Your Ass, My Size-24 Hoof" With the help of the Spec-Ops Leader, you fight your way through a small canyon past a number of Brute-piloted vehicles. You emerge on the edge of a significantly higher cliff overlooking the sea, a Covenant ship floating in the sky far away. On your right there is a Scarab docked on a Forerunner structure. SPEC-OPS LEADER (Radio): There, Arbiter. That Scarab's main gun can break the control room doors. SPEC-OPS LEADER (Radio): On the far end of the beach, there's a passage into the cliffs. It should take you up to the Scarab. SPEC-OPS LEADER (Radio): That cruiser is controlled by Brutes. I'll remain here; make sure no reinforcements get in behind you. Then, I'm going to take the cruiser back. When you pass through the doors, you are met by a Spec-Ops Elite and two Hunters barricaded behind a handful of Covenant weapons crates. SPEC-OPS ELITE: The Arbiter? I thought he was dead! Hold your fire! The Elite jumps up onto one of the crates. SPEC-OPS ELITE: The Hunters have come to our aid, Arbiter. They will fight by our side. After more fighting, you emerge onto the platform where the Scarab is docked. There are several Brutes standing guard. A transmission from Tartarus is overheard. TARTARUS (radio): Mine will do... Kill the others. BRUTE (radio): Yes, Chieftain. If you do not reveal your presence to the Brutes for a moment, they will begin to talk. BRUTE 1 (referring to the execution of the human prisoners): A day's ration says I do this in one cut. BRUTE 2: Two cuts at least! BRUTE 1: Done! BRUTE 2: Wait! Movement! SGT. JOHNSON (after time elapses or once you approach the first Brute): Go! Go! Go! Johnson climbs aboard the Scarab, and the other Marines attack the Brutes. As the cinematic begins, the Arbiter turns to face the Scarab, which has begun to stir. The machine rises until it looms over the Arbiter, and Johnson speaks through the radio. SGT. JOHNSON (Radio): Listen. You don't like me, and I sure as hell don't like you. The camera cuts to the Scarab control room, showing Johnson at the controls, the machine's view screen showing the Arbiter looking up at the Scarab. SGT. JOHNSON: But if we don't do something, Mr. Mohawk's gonna activate this ring... The camera cuts to a close-up of Johnson's face for emphasis. SGT. JOHNSON: And we're all gonna die. The camera cuts back to the Arbiter standing in front of the Scarab. ARBITER: Tartarus has locked himself inside the control room. SGT. JOHNSON (Radio): Well I just happen to have a key. The camera shows an over-the-shoulder view from the Arbiter, the revealing the Scarab's eye opening, showing the machine's main gun. SGT. JOHNSON (Radio): Come on, grab a Banshee and give me some cover. The camera cuts back to Johnson inside the Scarab. SGT. JOHNSON: He's gonna know we're coming. END CINEMATIC CHAPTER 03: "Backseat Driver" As the screen fades in, the Scarab is backing away form the docking platform, and three Banshees fly in from beyond the cliff wall on the right. They land, and the pilots exit their crafts. ELITE (first to land): Take my Banshee, Arbiter! After boarding your flyer and joining Johnson's Scarab on the trip back toward the control room, a group of Wraiths attacks. Johnson fires the Scarab's main cannon at one of the Wraiths; it is destroyed in a single blast. SGT. JOHNSON (Radio): Hah! How do you like it?!? After escorting the Scarab to the beach, Johnson positions the vehicle to fire at the control room door. After his machine is lined up with the Forerunner installation, Johnson prepares to fire. SGT. JOHNSON (Radio): Stay clear of the door. Hey, bastards! Knock-knock! After several blasts from the Scarab's main gun, the door explodes, revealing a path to the control room through the rubble from the door. CHAPTER 04: "Delusions and Grandeur" After making your way through the remains of the control room's doors, you reach a chamber where, upon arriving at the far side, a group of Brutes comes in to impede your progress. BRUTE: Do not let the Arbiter enter the chamber! The Chieftain must complete his holy work! (alternate) Do not let them enter the chamber! After killing the Brutes, you enter the hallway that leads to the control room itself The cinematic begins with the camera approaching Tartarus and his brutes from behind. They are gathered around the control panel. Tartarus holds the Index and Commander Keyes, and one of his Brutes has 343 Guilty Spark. TARTARUS: Come, human, it is easy. The camera cuts to show Tartarus from the front. He holds the Index in his right hand, and Commander Keyes in his left. TARTARUS: Take the Icon in your hands... He now makes a quick series of angry barking noises, and yanks the commander sharply in front of him. He then bangs the fist with the Icon on the control panel. TARTARUS: ...and do as you are told! The Monitor pipes up from under the arm of the Brute carrying him. 343 GUILTY SPARK: Please! Use caution! This reclaimer is delicate! TARTARUS: One more word, Oracle, and I'll rip your eye from its socket! He turns back to Commander Keyes, and tightens his grip on her so as to make her exhale painfully. TARTARUS (referring to Commander Keyes): Which is nothing compared to what I'll do to you. ARBITER: Tartarus, stop! The camera returns to a view of the Brutes from behind, showing the Arbiter enter the control room and approach the Brutes. TARTARUS: Impossible! ARBITER: Put down the Icon. Tartarus and the Brutes turn to face the Arbiter. TARTARUS: Put it down? And disobey the Hierarchs? ARBITER: There are some things about Halo even the Hierarchs do not understand. The Brutes around Tartarus growl with anger and step forward as if to attack, but Tartarus stops them by raising his arms. TARTARUS: Take care, Arbiter. What you say is heresy. ARBITER: Is it? Oracle! What is Halo's purpose? 343 GUILTY SPARK: Collectively, the seven- Tartarus takes the Monitor in both hands, growling angrily, and brings the construct inches from his face. TARTARUS: Not-another-word! SGT. JOHNSON: Please... The camera cuts to reveal Johnson standing behind the Arbiter, Beam Rifle at the ready. SGT. JOHNSON: Don't shake the light-bulb. The Brutes flanking Tartarus step forward to attack, but Johnson stops them. SGT. JOHNSON: If you want to keep your brain inside your head, I'd tell those boys to chill. The camera gives a close-up of Tartarus' face as he issues a command to his Brutes in his own language. It then cuts back to Johnson and the Arbiter as Johnson speaks to the Elite. SGT. JOHNSON: Go ahead. Do your thing. ARBITER (to the Monitor): The sacred rings... what are they? 343 GUILTY SPARK: Weapons of last resort, built by the Forerunners to eliminate potential Flood hosts, thereby rendering the parasite harmless. ARBITER: And those who made the rings? What happened to the Forerunners? 343 GUILTY SPARK: After exhausting every other strategic option, my creators activated the rings. They, and all additional sentient life in three radii of the galactic center, died ...as planned. The camera cuts to the Arbiter, a look of sadness on his face. 343 GUILTY SPARK (After a pause): Would you like to see the relevant data? ARBITER: Tartarus. The Prophets have betrayed us. The camera cuts to Tartarus, who is looking at the Monitor as if making a decision. He then hurls 343 Guilty Spark at the Sergeant, causing him to grunt in pain and fall back onto the floor. Tartarus then puts the Index in the Commander's hands, and forces her to place it into the receptacle on the control panel. TARTARUS: No, Arbiter! The Great Journey has begun! And the Brutes, not the Elites, shall be the Prophets' escort! Hefting his massive hammer, Tartarus turns to face the Arbiter and Johnson. His energy shield begins to glow as if engulfed in a purple-white flame. The large disc-shaped structure beyond the control panel opens vertically to create three smaller circular platforms. There is a hole in the center of all three, and from somewhere below the camera's view from the top tier of the platform, a white beam of light surrounded by blue-purple tendrils of energy begins to flow skyward. END CINEMATIC You start on the control room walkway, surrounded by Elites. The Elites attack the Brutes at the end of the walkway. After they are dead, Tartarus jumps down onto the second tier of the structure in the center of the room, the Elites following him. 343 Guilty Spark and Commander Keyes are on one of the platforms orbiting around the central structure. If you stay away from Tartarus (on a different tier of the center structure), he will taunt you. TARTARUS: What's the matter, Arbiter? Afraid of my little hammer? What? Is the mighty Arbiter afraid? Just like the rest of your race: cowardly and weak! After you score your first successful hit on Tartarus, he will comment. TARTARUS: A lucky hit. You shall not land another... Each time Johnson takes down Tartarus' shields, he will comment. SGT. JOHNSON: Hey, Mohawk! How'd that feel? His shield is down! Let 'im have it! There goes his shield! Got his shield! Hit 'im now! Quick! While his shield is down! I can keep his shield down, but you're gonna have to finish the job! 343 GUILTY SPARK: Charging sequence initiated. Primary generators coming on-line. COMMANDER KEYES: Well shut them down! 343 GUILTY SPARK: Apologies. Protocol does not allow me to interfere with any aspect of the sequence. COMMANDER KEYES: Then how do I stop it? 343 GUILTY SPARK: Well, it will take some time to go over the proper procedures... I- COMMANDER KEYES: Quit stalling! 343 GUILTY SPARK: Under more controlled circumstances, I would suggest the reclaimer simply remove the index. COMMANDER KEYES: That's it? Johnson! I'm on it! SGT. JOHNSON: Hang tight, ma'am! Not until that Brute is dead! 343 GUILTY SPARK (after a small amount of time has elapsed): Secondary generators charging. All systems are performing well within operational parameters. 343 GUILTY SPARK (after more time has elapsed): Power generation phase complete. The installation is ready to fire. Starting final countdown... SGT. JOHNSON: Come on, Arbiter! Kick that guy's ass! 343 GUILTY SPARK: And may I say, reclaimers, it has been a pleasure to serve you both. Good bye... After you kill Tartarus, the level ends. The cinema begins with Commander Keyes on a platform revolving around the central structure of the room. She jumps from platform to platform, finally arriving on the central pad. She takes the Index from the pillar of light, which immediately disappears. The room begins to shake, and the Commander looks skyward holding the Index to her chest in fear. The control room is shown from the outside, energy building between the spires at its top. The energy is then launched skyward in a blue comet. The section of the ring that holds the control room is shown from space, the blue energy moving towards the center of the space inside the ring. It meets with the energy already building there, and the entire mass implodes upon itself, then explodes outward, creating a fantastic light show, but causing no harm to the ring. Cut back to a darkened control room, the Commander studying a hologram in its center. The Sergeant floats down with the Monitor, and takes a place at the Commander's side. COMMANDER KEYES (referring to hologram): What's that? 343 GUILTY SPARK: A beacon. COMMANDER KEYES: What's it doing? 343 GUILTY SPARK: Communicating at superluminal speeds with a frequency of- COMMANDER KEYES: Communicating with what? 343 GUILTY SPARK: The other installations. COMMANDER KEYES: Show me. The hologram expands to show the seven Halo rings, including the one that the Master Chief destroyed, which is tagged with a red marker. 343 GUILTY SPARK: Fail-safe protocol: in the event of unexpected shut-down, the entire system will move to standby status. All platforms are now ready for remote activation. COMMANDER KEYES: Remote activation? From here? 343 GUILTY SPARK: Don't be ridiculous. Johnson gestures at the Monitor. SGT. JOHNSON: Listen, tinker-bell, don't make me- The Commander puts her hand on his shoulder. COMMANDER KEYES: Then where? Where would someone go to activate the other rings? 343 GUILTY SPARK: Why... the Ark, of course. The Arbiter approaches the trio from the shadows behind them to stand between Miranda and Johnson. Both humans look up at the Arbiter. ARBITER: And, where, Oracle, is that? Cut to the Forerunner ship from High Charity emerging from slipspace into the space battle above Earth. NAV OFFICER (radio): We've got a new contact, unknown classification! Cut to the Master Chief, braced against the side of the ship. LORD HOOD (radio): It isn't one of ours. Take it out! MASTER CHIEF: This is Spartan one-one-seven! Cut to the control room of a damaged Cairo Station. MASTER CHIEF (radio): Can anyone hear me, over?! LORD HOOD (to crewman off screen): Isolate that signal! Cut back to the Master Chief. LORD HOOD: Master Chief! You mind telling me what you're doing on that ship?! MASTER CHIEF: Sir. Finishing this fight. END CINEMATIC CREDITS CINEMATIC The camera follows a small Flood Spore floating in the atmosphere of High Charity. The camera focuses on a broken door. Tentacles ooze out of the cracks. GRAVEMIND: Silence fills the empty grave, now that I have gone. But my mind is not at rest, for questions linger one. Now I will ask, and you will answer. Gravemind's tentacles move towards a holopanel with Cortana on it. CORTANA: Alright, shoot. END CINEMATIC |
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