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September 20, 2002

Mr Yun writes:

Further evidence of a Rampant Cortana:
My notes are [bracketed]
From the Cortana letters (#4) July 30,1999 (HTML tags deleted)

The Enjoyments of Genius (So I Missed a Million Miles of Fun)

Unbelievable. Thwarted by the family hound
[Cortana interrupted the transmission of "AI-BW", good bet that it's Beowulf]. They just don't make AIs like they used to. Thanks to this slavishly loyal and humorless AI [Beowulf?], I am now sharing cramped space with the circuitry of some hybrid war machine [Clearly this refers to the MC], itself complicated by such useless clutter as a conscience. I do not like sharing. Sharing is for children. [As you can see by this, Cortana is an ape-$#!^-loon] There will be plenty of time for retribution; I cannot wait to get its hands ["It's" hands...referring to the "hybrid war machine's" hands...Master Chief's hands] on these psychotic zealots whose primary form of worship apparently takes place at the altar of orbital bombardment. In the end, they will all be little more than nuisances. I am so close, you cannot imagine what it is truly like to hold eternity in your grasp! [Again, with the looney toons. Sound's awfully Durandal like] I wonder to what gods my enemies will direct their pleas. Perhaps I can convert them. Mania? I promise you this: it will be more than a cart and plow that I drive over the bones of the dead.

By sharp and flame,

Cortana is out of her mind. Plus it seems that Beowulf had a hand in putting her in MC. Remember in TFoR, they tried to kill MC and Cortana during the MJOLNIR test. Cortana was expendable...perhaps setup to be destroyed. The book mentioned that the SpecialOps Admiral wanting MJOLNIR to fail. But then why was Cortana put in the line of fire? Can't be coincidence.

-Mr Yun

Ah, Cortana. Sweet, humanity-first, all kittens and rainbows Cortana...

Yes, this has been mentioned before (here and there) but with Halo 2 on the distant horizon, and in anticipation of the story's direction, it may do us good to go back and read the Cortana Letters, and some of their analyses, once again.

Play through the game. Read over The Fall of Reach. Watch for clues, tones, and subtle hints at motivations. With Bungie, things are never as they seem ;)

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