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March 18, 2003

Updates abound! I should be careful. All this recent activity might set an unsurpassable precedent of pace...

I spy with my little eye, something that is...

Sephlock ( writes:

In reference to the theory posted by Ryan Murray...

The installation was specifically built to study and contain the Flood - their survival as a race was dependent on it. I am grateful to see that some of them have survived to reproduce.

Question; if the monitor thinks that you are part of the forerunner race -which I believe is the case,- then why would he refer to your race that way?

If he was in fact referring to the forerunner race, of which you are asummed to be a part, wouldn't he say something like:
"As you know, this†installation was specifically built to study and contain the Flood -†your survival as a race was/is dependent on it. I am grateful to see that some of†you have survived to reproduce."

Besides that,†wouldn't he assume you would already know what your race's survival is dependant upon? Thats not exactly the sort of thing you'd forget to tell your children.

Really, an alternate interpretation to that paragraph never even occured to me, to me it seemed pretty obvious that 343 was referring to the flood. After all, why would he say

"The installation was specifically built to study and contain the Flood -"

And then say

"their survival as a race was dependent on it."

If he was referring to the forerunners in that second bit, why wouldn't he use a word other than THEIR, immediately after the first bit? It makes no sense; this guy ain't†Yoda, his grammar is fine. In the context, it seems quite clear that he is referring to the flood.

The battle rages on...

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