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January 29, 2002

More fodder for the Halo-in-the-Marathon-universe contingent...

Joe Broni ( writes:

For a long time I felt that the connections between Halo and Marathon were tenuous at best. I kind of gave up on it all until I re-read the Jason Jones interview at Tru7h and Reconciliation and stumbled upon him talking about how the name the "Pillar of Autum" came to be:

"But forget the name, isn't it kind of suspicious that a single human
corvette had any success at all against the Covenant navy, when in
every previous battle the humans mostly just got sawed in half by
particle beams when they tried to stand up to the aliens? (much less
disabling four of their capital ships!) Do we know anyone who can
work magic in fleet engagements against odds like that?"

That made me think of this message from Durandal in Marathon 2, Bob's Big Date, Terminal 4, 2nd Message (thanks Marathon Story Page!):

"Battle has been joined in orbit and Boomer is taking heavy damage. I
cannot hold out for long, but the Pfhor will not soon
forget the day that a lone corvette obliterated half of Battle Group
Seven, Western Arm."

And again, from Durandal in Marathon 2, Fatum Iustum Stultorum, Termainal 1:

"I have subverted the largest Pfhor ship in the system, the battleship
Khfiva, and I am making the rest of their fleet drink

Obviously Jason Jones was drawing some parallel between Cortana (who was running the show on the PoA) and Durandal. Couple this with the Cortana Letters where she alludes to being present with Durandal, Tycho and Leela (the fourth AI, the one we couldn't have known about) and the link seems more solid.

Now if we could just straighten the timeline out....


BTW - I _LOVE_ 343GS, I think he's cool (cowers in fear of repercussions )

Jason Jones, keeping the Marathon-Halo connection alive? Now, why would he do that? ;)

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