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April 25, 2003

Jamirus99 ( writes:

vec-tor n. 2. Pathology. An organism, such as a mosquito or tick, that carries disease-causing microorganisms from one host to another.

So basically what 343 GS is saying is that, even though the Flood have, through evolution of thousands of years, come to genetically "own" a like host body ( the Ranger type discussed before) it is the disease that is the flood, not the body itself. Looks like even the Ranger forms are slaves of the Flood(the ticks, you might say)†: probably natural selection made them the best form to use†because of their endurance and mouth, which would easily allow the Flood to inject its spores into the next†host body.

I've always believed that they burrowed into the bodies so that they could release the spores into the bloodstream. They just latch on and let the spores flow from them into the host body...then stay on as a base for the coming evolution.

And, as he goes on to ask, if this scenario is true, how long then has the Flood virus had these Ranger bodies at their disposal? Were they accrued through evolution or engineering? Alternately, the term used by 343, vector (which public consensus seems to rest on), could in this case be being used dismissing the aspect of the disease as a microorganism, rather pointing to the Ranger itself as the disease with the Host playing vector; or more simply, referring to the Host life form as the vector for the Spores originally carried within the Ranger.

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