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September 14, 2004

On the forum, Indexion pointed out (before the post was removed due to an NDA breach) an article from (which may or may not be back online yet), seemingly a write-up of their recent experiences with Halo 2 multiplayer. What gives this so much pertinence are comments by Pete Parsons about the well crafted, authentic story behind each multiplayer level, comments in the Evolution of Halo video, and the inclusion of a screenshot at depicting, what seems to be, another Halo, rising into the sky.

While the screenshot is not breaking news in itself, if the Multiplayer levels are as true to the story as Parsons suggests, it would confirm past Bungie quotes mentioning another ring in Campaign mode.

Let's see... another ring (possibly new and/or the remnants of a broken one), a space station, a moon/low gravity level, a Forerunner installation in the clouds of a gas giant, Earth, a/the Covenant homeworld... I ask you: where ISN'T the game going to take place? ;)

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