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February 13, 2002

Another shot at the Hunter != Elite theory.

Jonah Friedman ( writes:

People have been speculating on what species of the covenant are connected. Some have said that hunters and elites are similar, but I simply can't see this as being true.

The most compelling evidence for this is blood color. There is not a single animal on earth that do not have red blood (ok, insects, which sorta don't have blood at all). The only two species in halo that have the same color blood are jackals and elites.

These creatures, I believe, are from the same planet, and are related like humans and monkeys:

First, both have purple blood.

Second, both's heads are similar, near identical (look at an elite turned flood's head sometime, its pushed back and kinda hanging behind it, it looks exactly like the jackals.

The only evidence against this is that the elites have two knees on each leg, while the jackels only have one (I think). But they easily could still be from the same planet and related somehow.

The way I see it, different color blood = different evolution of most basic bodily functions (cells energy/oxygen absorbtion, and so on).

Good point. It's also interesting to note that the Jackals don't seem to have a Flood variation in the Game. What's so special about this?

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