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The Halo Story

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March 26, 2004

To those about to search, we salute you...

We've received a lot of exceptional mail recently. Unique, well researched ideas bundled together with links to other applicable posts and page references from the novels; it is a pleasure indeed :)

Thanks so much to all who have written in with things in need of fixing, and with additions to our Inconsistencies, Characters, and Vessels lists: starrima, Kyle Carmitchel, Paul Cox, S7N, John Barager, Lee Crawford, Noah Zarr, Shane Meyer, Winters, littlejonnysaystotheclass, A. N.-W., Todd Proctor, Brian Graham, Chris Herr, Marty Duffy, MCDGundam...

Remember, we may update the site, but you provide the materials. Keep up the good work :)

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